The reason why this exist

Hi everyone

Mi name is Alejandro León (of course not my real name, just an Artistical one hehe) and Im a current and most active member of DEVIANART.COM...

But due to a serious of trouble, one of them being that the stash of DEVIANTART continue to erase my work by tagging it of "unacceptable", I saw myself forced to create this blog in order to show the work that they dont allow it in their site...

Dont know why they erase it 'cause deviantart has some pretty strong pieces of art in the site and dont give them a second look... but i dont care.. just wanna show the world what a do originally, without any censorship...

so, hope you like it because its raw, sexual, hot and explicit, so explicit that its close to porn (but i love porn so I dont mind hehehe)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Oath Breaker

Here is a drawing of Jon Snow and Ygritte. As you can see its a normal thing, just like many other in so... WAIT! could that be?? YES!! JON SNOW HAS A PENIS!!!! an erect big fat penis... and guess what?? I have one too! and I also make love to girls!!

So the big deal about this picture I made is.... I dont know... why it was banned and eliminated? dont know either but they sayed it was "unacceptable"

So, thats it. dont like penises or sex...

Hope You do hahaha

A Storm of Swords
A Song of Ice and Fire Series
by George R R Martin

The King in Love

This was the first art that deviantart banned from me. It shows Robb Stark, the King in the North, making love to his wife, the queen Jeyne Westerling
I know I know, its explicit sex and they may be had it right in eliminate it, but I dont care! I wanna show Robb and Jeyne in incredible intimate situation

A Storm of Swords
A Song of Ice and Fire Series
by George R R Martin
Hi everyone
Mi name is Alejandro León (of course not my real name, just an Artistical one hehe) and Im a current and most active member of DEVIANART.COM...
But due to a serious of trouble, one of them being that the stash of DEVIANTART continue to erase my work by tagging it of "unacceptable", I saw myself forced to create this blog in order to show the work that they dont allow it in their site...
Dont know why they erase it 'cause deviantart has some pretty strong pieces of art in the site and dont give them a second look... but i dont care.. just wanna show the world what a do originally, without any censorship...
so, hope you like it because is raw, sexual, hot and explicit, so explicit that its close to porn (but i love porn so I dont mind hehehe)